Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well, I figured it was long enough since the last time I updated my blog and it was time to write something!

So, just to recap what's happened the last year and a half:
I made a lot of Mexican friends and started going to the best ward ever - East Bay 3rd Ward in Provo, UT! I made tons of friends that helped me learn and grow a lot!
Ali and Libby finally came home from their missions, but when they did I was living back in Pueblo, CO to work and save up money so I could go on a mission of my own! That's right! Who would have thought I would have decided to go on a mission!?! After all the times of saying that I didn't want to serve a mission, but I guess the Lord knows best. My mission call got to my house in Pueblo the one weekend I decided to be in Provo. The cool thing is that it got to my house ON my birthday but since I was in Provo my dad read it to me over the phone once I got to Steph's house after General Conference. I got a call to serve in the Brasil Brasilia Mission and reported to the MTC in Sao Paulo, Brasil on July 29, 2009! I loved the MTC and had two of the best teachers ever - Fabio Grahl Severo and Daniel Petente! I loved my MTC district and my companion was an awesome sister missionary! I loved them all! Words cannot express the love I feel for the missionaries there, my teachers, and my companion! I went out to the field on September 29 and my first area was Ceilandia 2 ward and my trainer was Sister Nickole Canfield from Logan, UT! She was awesome and I learned a ton from her. I served with her until November 9 and then I was transferred to the Guara 2 ward where my companion was Sister Braga from Rio deJaneiro. It was a tough area but I grew as a missionary! While in my first area I started feeling pain in my ribs and my back. I went to a couple doctors about it and they couldn't figure out what was going on with me...of course I think x-rays could have helped, but they didn't take any. Well, it started to get so bad that I wasn't sleeping and wasn't being effective as a missionary. I returned to Pueblo, CO on November 21, 2009 only 4 months after getting to Brasil. I was sad to leave Brasil but the Lord has his own plan for us! I am now living at home and trying to find work and trying to decide what to do with myself since I won't be heading back to BYU. We'll see what the Lord has planned for me next!

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