Monday, July 25, 2011


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Thursday, January 27, 2011


I know, nobody probably reads my blog but I figured it's a good place to put down some thoughts I've had recently. So I guess it's a perfect place to write since nobody reads it!

There are many times we don't understand why we have to go through some things we have to go through! The only person that really knows is Heavenly Father. When we put our trust in him we will live wonderful lives...still with trials, of course, but the reward will be something we could never imagine! I have struggled with things in my life and still do, but I am so grateful for the Atonement and the power of repentance and prayer! I know that I could not get through a lot of things if I didn't know about the Atonement! I would not be able to forgive myself of things if I didn't know that I could be forgiven. I would not be able to get through hard times if I didn't know that someone has felt, exactly, all of my pains and sufferings! Jesus Christ is the perfect example of love and charity because He gave his life and suffered willingly to give us that help (knowing someone knows what we feel) and so that we could rise in the Resurrection and be perfected! He is the greatest help that we could ever ask for in this life...unfortunately, we, many times, forget about Him and all that He has done! We take it for granted...I am victim to this! I won't lie...I have thought, "It's ok, I'll repent later!" That is self-destructing!!! I pray for help to never do that again! I am human, hence, I am a sinner! It comes with the body but we have been given every opportunity to overcome the natural man and move closer to Christ! He does not want us there just for Him but because He wants us to be happy with our own families and with our Heavenly Father! He knows the joy it will bring us! I know my Savior lives! He loves me! The Spirit has testified of it to me! I will never deny the gospel of Jesus Christ and never deny that the church of Christ is upon the earth - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Heavenly Father loves his children so much that he did not want to leave us without the fulness of the everlasting gospel which is why he restored it through a prophet, Joseph Smith, and I will be eternally grateful for that and for the work Joseph Smith did for the world!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Steph's Having a Baby!!!

Hopefully this doesn't ruin the surprise for Steph and Kyle but here's a little square I made for a quilt being made for Steph and Kyle's baby boy! My sister gave me the idea to use different colors of fabric and piece them was so genius cause it turned out so cute! I was just going to cross-stitch the pattern on but I am so glad I went with Heather's idea! The lighting was not the greatest for taking the picture but I had to get it taken before Sarah took it out to Kansas for the baby shower this morning!

Father's Day

I know Father's Day already passed and if anyone was looking for any ideas for a card, mine would be too late, but I thought it was so cute I had to post it!

It came out a little bigger than I had planned but it was still really cute!

Ok, after many months of viewing other people's blogs on their craftiness and cute ideas, I have decided to make a blogging shift to a crafty blog as well. I moved into my own apartment recently and have had so much time to do fun little things to make it a little more homey and a little bit more of me! I am LOVING it!!! I hope you enjoy! I'll probably add some of other people's things, my sister's stuff, my mom's stuff, and probably some things my dad creates as well...yes, that's dad! It'll just be his jewelry but I love what he makes so much that I want everyone to see it! ENJOY!!! Oh, and sorry for taking so long to update for anybody that has actually checked to see if I update!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well, I figured it was long enough since the last time I updated my blog and it was time to write something!

So, just to recap what's happened the last year and a half:
I made a lot of Mexican friends and started going to the best ward ever - East Bay 3rd Ward in Provo, UT! I made tons of friends that helped me learn and grow a lot!
Ali and Libby finally came home from their missions, but when they did I was living back in Pueblo, CO to work and save up money so I could go on a mission of my own! That's right! Who would have thought I would have decided to go on a mission!?! After all the times of saying that I didn't want to serve a mission, but I guess the Lord knows best. My mission call got to my house in Pueblo the one weekend I decided to be in Provo. The cool thing is that it got to my house ON my birthday but since I was in Provo my dad read it to me over the phone once I got to Steph's house after General Conference. I got a call to serve in the Brasil Brasilia Mission and reported to the MTC in Sao Paulo, Brasil on July 29, 2009! I loved the MTC and had two of the best teachers ever - Fabio Grahl Severo and Daniel Petente! I loved my MTC district and my companion was an awesome sister missionary! I loved them all! Words cannot express the love I feel for the missionaries there, my teachers, and my companion! I went out to the field on September 29 and my first area was Ceilandia 2 ward and my trainer was Sister Nickole Canfield from Logan, UT! She was awesome and I learned a ton from her. I served with her until November 9 and then I was transferred to the Guara 2 ward where my companion was Sister Braga from Rio deJaneiro. It was a tough area but I grew as a missionary! While in my first area I started feeling pain in my ribs and my back. I went to a couple doctors about it and they couldn't figure out what was going on with me...of course I think x-rays could have helped, but they didn't take any. Well, it started to get so bad that I wasn't sleeping and wasn't being effective as a missionary. I returned to Pueblo, CO on November 21, 2009 only 4 months after getting to Brasil. I was sad to leave Brasil but the Lord has his own plan for us! I am now living at home and trying to find work and trying to decide what to do with myself since I won't be heading back to BYU. We'll see what the Lord has planned for me next!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Enter to win a free handbag! There is a company starting a new line of bags and they are giving one away each hour for the first few hours their website is up. Head to to enter to win your free handbag!